, printing all strings in the image and trying to execute random methods using pypy.lang.smalltalk.interpreter.Interpreter
. He selects all compiled methods having no arguments and tries to execute them, some of the methods even run successfully.You can find the image poking hacks in
dist/pypy/lang/smalltalk/toolI will now join Toon to pair up, thinking about and hopefully implementing some benchmarks for the loaded image.
Adrian AA Kuhn
Btw, there is a small Squeak VM written in Pepsi/idst inside the svn repo of pepsi. It runs the mini.image happily - perhaps you should take a look at it?
regards, Göran Krampe
Hi Göran,
not quite; that Squeak implementation crashes upon evaluating '0 tinyBenchmarks' complaining about primitive 243 being missing.
...yes, and of course it is just a toy - Ian never intended it to be something useful. :)
well, our hope that we will be able to run the mini-image eventually...
Hi again,
update. :-)
The mini image coming with the Pepsi distribution contains references to unimplemented primitives, which causes crashes. Using the mini image, e.g., from Dan Ingalls' SqueakOnJava *works*. :-)
Apologies for implying that the Pepsi Squeak VM was not working...
We had been lucky enough to use Dan's mini.image, thou.
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